Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Boy is in the Hall

Now that most families have heard from schools and most decisions have been made about who's going where - - - I can publicly announce:


Stuart Hall is a small all boys school that is going to be perfect for him (The Hall).  What's also perfect is that there is a nice small all girls sister school just a scant few blocks away (The Heart).

He will have about 40 boys in his class, but combined with the 40 girls it's technically a class size of around 100  EXACTLY 80 (This post has been modified to address what my siblings see as my inability to add 40+40.  I understand that this equals 80.  The word "around" was meant to indicate an estimate).  This is ideal for George the Younger.  The majority of his classes will be all guys - but there are several coed classes too.  In our opinion it's the best of both worlds.

And yes, this is a catholic school.  It's known as the least catholic of all the SF catholic schools - and we're pleased that he will have exposure to various world religion studies.  He DOES have a dress code (say HELLO to all manner of Gap polo shirts!  Say a happy good-bye to saggy jeans and the occasional view of his boxer shorts), but does not have a real uniform.  They do have something called a "dress sweater."  This just conjures up Harry Potter for me and visions of Ron in his frilly "dress robes" - but that may have something to do with Henry watching a two day all-Hogwarts-all-the-time Harry Potter marathon this past weekend.

And for those that have been following along - - I will now get to wear blue and white (and some red) and we will henceforth be routing for the Knights.   There may be some cheering for the "Cubs" as well.  I am not sure, but I think that this may be the monikur for the JV teams?  When it comes to Knights -  there appears to be no real diminutive...  Knight-ettes? Little Knights?  Knighties?  Wee Knights?  Junior Knights?  Whatever.  They seem to be called the "cubs."  I'll go with that for now.

In any event - - we are so pleased for him and for us. Now to get him through the rest of 8th grade where (to no one's great surprise), knowing that they are going to high school somewhere, the 8th graders are now all ready to immediately leave their babyfied middle school behind and just get on with the big show already.

1 comment:

2W3 said...

Huge Congrats to George the younger! I am a little concerned for the parents though. 40 + 40 is roughly 80 students not 100 :) Also, would the diminutive of Knights be Pages or Squires? Anyway, I know it was hard work on everyone's part, so congratulations to the Wisniewski clan for crossing another successful milestone!