Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It turns out

Turns out that children not in school take up an inordinate amount of time. I knew this several weeks ago (on some level) when I posted about what-the-hell-were-u.s.-schools-thinking-with-the-loooong-summer-break thing. What I clearly wasn't prepared for was the actual absoludicrous amount of time they truly require. Like tons. Like every damn minute.

Typically, I can blast out a blog every couple o'days about the basic insipid vapid pestrian aspects of my life. But with the cruise ship schedule of the every other day "field trips of entertainment" combined with my need to keep the house spanking clean - - stick a fork in me. I am done.

To add some more stuff on my to-do list, Shannon arrived last week for a quick visit on her way to Beijing and, you guessed it, she takes up scads of time too! She's lovely, wonderful and fabulous to have here. It's just that she needs to get stuff done and we want to do stuff while she's here. Over the past five days we have: shopped for all things needed that can't be had in China, we biked over the Golden Gate Bridge and had a lovely over-priced lunch in Sausalito, we went to a 4th of July bbq, we saw the Giants lose miserably to the Astros, and much to George the Elder's chagrin, we squeezed in a Sunday evening shopping trip to Union Square (where Shannon bought some traveling clothes and I dished out 28 smackers for a pair of underwear that I have been searching for since leaving Tokyo and now it appears that Shannon has heisted them and taken them with her to China - what a brat. And even after I bought her the most expensive fish and chips I've ever seen in any country!).

Before Shannon arrived - and after we returned from Vashon Island, I took the boys to the Exploratorium for an afternoon, made the boys go shopping at Target for a sundry of things that they need for camp, made arrangements for two estimates for landscape architects, made the final selection for our "regular" architect, contracted a plumber, made an appointment with a roofer, make and kept two orthodontic appointments, and tried to find another mover to make another estimate since now we are going move not only once, but twice before the year is out. Even typing this makes me want to take a nap.

In other news, Shannon left this morning and the boys leave for camp on Friday. Perhaps I can get on with the business of getting everything else done that I usually get done - but maybe not. Perhaps I will just sleep through the entire weekend once I put the boys on the plane.

And speaking of the plane, when I made their reservations to head back to NH for their camping adventure, I felt certain that I was going to be fine with putting them on the plane alone. Lately, I have been having second thoughts (think Air France) and feeling highly anxious about it. Today, I put Shannon on a place to Beijing. I felt a little squidgy about that too and she's 28. Guess it doesn't matter whether they're young enough to need to red and white striped ID tags draped around their necks to fly or whether they're old enough to buy those tiny bottles of Jim Beam as in-flight entertainment. Still nervous at any age.

In other words, my life is complexicated by the whirling vortex of boys-not-occupied-with-learning, older daughter-making-rapid-fire-visit-on-way-to-foreign-country and purchase-of-what-could-potentially-be-a-giant-money-sucker-project. Can anyone say Nob Hill Spa day? Come on say it with me....SPA DAY PLEASE!!!

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