I, of course, displayed this horrific shot for the requisite year hoping upon all hope that this year the photographer wouldn't continue to badger him to put his tongue in the back of his mouth during the shot. (For clarity: when George the Younger smiles his ginormous and sparkling grin, he sometimes thrusts his tongue out.) The result of being asked to shove it to back of his mouth = the aforementioned "poopy-face" combined with what could be easily interpreted as a look of clear hatred towards the photographer. And, could you blame him?
But this year, the school went with a different photographer. And, I LOVE THEM! The photos are natural, they were taken outdoors on a beautiful day and the result....

Now we wait for Henry's who missed the photographer on the first day thanks to some poorly designed teacher conference schedules. Luckily make-up picture day was another bee-uuu-tee-ful SF fall day (our BEST season by far!), so I've got my fingers crossed. His one from last year lean heavily towards the "Indian Area Rug Salesman with a bad Toupee" theme. Not an especially attractive look for my little brown Khmer Prince. Oh, unless he was actually trying to sell area rugs and then I suspect it would make a fine bill board poster along some freeway. He does look sincere and trustworthy if nothing else.
What a handsome young man! You are right - this year's picture is great!
The picture is great. He really is growing up! It is now on my Cevia frame for all to see!
LOVE this picture.. but I assume he wished it had been taken AFTER he got his braces removed!!!
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