The event: World Series GAME ONE!!
The participants:
People dressed in Giants themed colors...
George the Younger...
The Location: The BEST seats in the house.... Game time 4:30. Arrival time? 2:00!! Need to get there early to check out the seats, avoid the crowds and watch the warm-ups.
The pictures: With Mom as official photographer of the event, this is the only photographic evidence, besides our appearance on the Jumbo-Tron during the "fist bump" sequence (which surely is kept in a super secret locked vault somewhere in the Giants file of "crazy fans doing stupid things") George the Elder took this on his new AT&T phone - for which, oddly enough - he had trouble getting a signal for in the aptly named AT&T park. Yuck yuck yuck.

The pre-game: Here's warm up. George the Younger and I toddled over to the other side of the outfield to see if we could snag a ball. We were nearly bombed by a ball that landed smack directly in front of George the Younger hitting the steel railing in front of us. Thanks to the overly enthusiastic fans to our right, we were promptly pushed out the way, and their reward? Nadda. All the commotion caused the ball to drop between the fence and the bleachers.
George the Younger heading down to where we nearly got bopped. He's on the far left on the photo. Crazy people who tackled us to get the ball are lined up across the bottom.
See the guy in the aisle with the white shirt in the middle of the photo? (Not the guy in the while shirt to the left of the middle, but the one in the middle middle...) See tiny guy about three rows lower with the orange hat? George the Elder holding down the fort while G and I check him out from across the way. Notice the seats are starting to fill up a little more...
And the Game!!!!: Here are the stands as the line-up is getting announced. Quite a pronounced difference in attendence. 43,601 screaming fans. 90% of them are Giants fan. Much Orange. Many poms waiving! It was electric. George the Younger, while not in the this shot, is now sporting a ridiculously over-priced World Series sweat shirt that we had to cut in line to get. And yes, I said cut in line. It's a little trick I learned from the old ladies in Tokyo who are internationally known for their ability to cut in line adeptly without pissing people off in line behind you. In fact, we made fast friends with the people in line directly behind us. I can't tell you the secret because then everyone would be using it...
Incredibly moving National Anthem with the humongous flag. Still can't listen to that song without crying. I thank my Grandpa Frank for that. The Battle Hymn of the Republic also brought him to tears....
And..... the flyover. They look small in this photo, but they were low, they were fast and they were loud. Amazing!
1 comment:
LOVE Georgie's smile! Cant wait to see you all for Thanksgiving!!!!!!
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