I also spend oodles of time listening to George the Younger's i-pod which is turned on bright and early for shower time (loud enough that he can hear it in the shower and consequently I can hear it in the kitchen) and then subsequently relocated downstairs so that we can enjoy the dulcet tones of eminem while we partake of our Special K. We are also treated to his play list while doing homework and washing dishes. It's a veritable non-stop hip hop parade. I think I am in love with Nelly and I don't even know what he looks like.
But the result of this is that I know the lyrics to, and can reasonably sing, most top 10 songs on the hit parade whose demographic is surely people that are at least 30 years younger than I. It is not unheard of for me to start whistling the melody of Nelly's "Just a Dream" while I am vacuuming. I find this a little disconcerting - but it is what it is.
- Shawty
- Put your hands up
"Shawty" refers to any girl, girl friend, ex-girl friend, future girl friend or drunk girl at a party depending on the song. It is like using "her" or "she" but hella hip. (hella is a little dated now - but it's fun to get it in when I can. George the Younger is only permitted to use hecka - we have our standards you know)
And, should you begin to learn the songs where "put your hands up" is peppered quite liberally (and there are at least a dozen - just google it if you are skeptical) - please use caution when you are driving. When George the Younger and I sing along in the car, we also sometimes seat dance. (just imagine the visual - it's amusing) If I were to put my hands up as many times as I am asked to do this during any 30 minute driving period we would all surely die.
So sing loud and proud - here we go, "Shawty, put your hands up, Shawty!"
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