This week, I did take time to catch up on all things Cambodia Tomorrow. Had some billing to do for existing sponsors. Had a meeting in Berkeley with a fellow board member to talk about getting new scholarship sponsors for students at the school. Updated Spreadsheets, collected pictures, learned to do Picaso Photo sharing, uploaded photos, renamed photos, reordered photos and posted said photos on FB. Guess what? Now I'm posting it here....
In a nut shell - we need some new sponsors for some of our students. Can you help?
We are looking for people who are interested in contributing on an annual basis to our student's education. The Cambodia Tomorrow School is now in it's 3rd year of operations and it has been thrilling to watching the teachers, the students and the curriculum mature. Unfortunately, the school isn't free, the teachers need salaries, the students need uniforms and books and school supplies and new computers and food.
The greatest thing about Cambodia Tomorrow, besides their official 501(3)(c) designation?? We are simply a group of parents with adopted Cambodian children who are working together to make a difference in the lives of the children at the Kompong Speu Orphan Center. We accomplish this by creating a school where the children are thriving, learning English, learning computer and taking advantage of tutoring in Khmer subjects for the older students. We do this ourselves. We do this without overhead, without administrative costs. This means that nearly 100% of your entire scholarship amount goes directly to the students, the school, and their future. It doesn't get any greater than that.
Here is the link to the Picaso album of the students needing sponsors. Just click on the photo below of all the children at KS Orphan Center (most of whom are students at our school) and you can see the children who are in need of sponsors. I hope that you'll take a moment to look through the photos and see if there's a student there that speaks to you.
And if you want to know a little bit more about Cambodia Tomorrow, I encourage you to check out our FB page and our web-site. We're a little behind on the web-site thing (remember reading above about us being a group of adoptive parents who do this in our free time?? So we're trying to find the time to make our website snazzier....just haven't found it yet). But it gives you the gist of who we are and what we're up to. Just click on the photo of our school below...

Annual scholarship sponsors are $385 per year. This covers everything from the school, the teachers, school uniforms for Khmer school, books, school supplies, rice, nannies and all sorts of other goodies for the children like helping to create a real library for the students. There are several ways to pay - once per year, twice per year or whatever rings your bell. We are open to all suggestions!
So, take a look at the photos, take a look at your wallet, remember that you will need charitable donations to offset any new taxes higher income taxes heading your way (heh heh heh), look at the faces of the students who need your help - - and make the right choice to make some one's life brighter and more promising.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
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