When they left in mid-July I had a crisis of intention. With the lack of full time employment, no intercontinental move to coordinate and no other large projects to occupy my mind, hands or time - what WAS I going to do? What WAS I going to fill up my days doing? Ah - well, here we are 33 days later and - geeze - - what the hell did I do? You got me.
Yet, somehow the days passed, I did not spend most (or any) of them with my keester glued to the couch eating bon-bons - but I did have that on my "list 'o things to do" - just never got around to it. I, obviously, did not find much time to update my blog with uncanny witticisms. So, what. did. I. do?
I did scrapbook. Much to George the Elder's dismay (or at least his wallet's). I have completed a total of 25 pages. Covered all birthdays and birthday parties from 2001 through 2009 and several other marked occasions. I also now own 1,237 different colors of card stock, 3 books of misc. patterned paper, an expandable folder full of bits and bobs, a new 12x12 cutting mat (from martha steward no frickin less), new exacto knives, a nifty see-through centering ruler and 37 new kinds of sticky alphabets. George the Elder decided last night that were our temporary apartment to catch on fire - the ONLY thing that we needed to save was the scrapbook and the scrapbook crap. The 60" plasma? Fuggetaboutit. Insurance would cover that bad Johnny. Insurance on 323 different embellishments and chipboard bits? Not so much.
I did plan for all things "house" after remodel. I created a spreadsheet. I made columns and rows and estimated costs. I went room by room to try to think of the kind of jake we are going to want to spend on embellishments of a different kind come January. You know - necessary things like blinds for the boys' new rooms - - and unnecessary things - - like wouldn't it be fabulous if we could recover every single piece of furniture that we own to achieve the ultimate in cool 1940-1960 deco/midcentury splendor? Oh and buy a few more pieces to make it deliciously perfect! Just the magazines! Just like my imagination!!!
After reviewing said spreadsheet, taking in to consideration the completion of Phase I (the lower level currently under construction), Phase II (the kitchen - estimated completion 2015), Phase III (the landscaping - planned for mid-century 2050) - - well my imagination is gonna be waiting a good. damn. long. time. The boys' are just gonna hafta learn to sleep with the light streaming in to their eyes. They'll both be teenagers. Teenagers don't actually need darkness to sleep do they? I'm also thinking of taking an upholstery class.
But, the good news? I have the spreadsheet. This way I cannot possibly forget all the things I want to do and all the cashola it would take to do it. And given that information all the things are likely NOT to get done, but I will be unable to forget about it because it's all on an organized electronic document. A conundrum, yes??
And, I have continued to update and augment the "Find George The Younger a High School" expandable folder and calendar. We are making progress. I received the "SSAT Study Guide and Handbook" in the mail yesterday. I got this for George the Younger to bone up on his test taking skills. You know - what's the best methodology for coloring in all those pesky little sideways ovals with your #2 pencil? I cracked open the tome of knowledge last night while catching up on Madmen.
Should I be embarrassed that I felt compelled to try my hand at a couple of the practice tests? I did a few questions in my head, checked the answers and came to a sobering conclusion. Should I be taking the test right now (for real) for admissions in to high school, I might want to seriously consider an alternative school? One with a short bus. One where the ability to correctly analyze analogies or do simple geometry equations are not required to obtain life skills such as dog groomer or taco maker.
Yup, the boys arrive home on Saturday. I don't have much to show for their absence - but isn't that the way it goes? Last two weeks of August we gird our loins and head in to the school year. Printed out the school supply lists (yes, another time consuming activity) and are ready to go buy all manner of notebooks and pens and markers to replace the myriad of notebooks, pens and markers that we buy every year. Doing our best to support Staples.
And with that, I am off to spend the last couple of days cramming all the things in to them that I should have been doing while they were away. Or not. Do you think I have time to create 4 shutterfly books of various trips taken in the past 10 years. I have coupons. 50% off!!! Ah... maybe not. I've got books to read and bon-bons to eat. That was on my list after all...
1 comment:
For one, you've got more than 10 readers.
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