People can be separated in to two neat and distinct bunches. Those who believe that the year begins in January replete with champagne, schmaltzy songs and funny hats. The unifying characteristic of this sect? Members of this clan do NOT not have children.
People WITH children know that the year technically and officially begins on the first day of school. For those associated with this faction, New Years Eve is merely a celebration signifying the children's RETURN to school after a seemingly endless Winter Break. And while I'm thinking about it - isn't Labor Day also an opportunity to drink beer and sangria while corresponding nicely with the start of the year? Coincidence? Me thinks not. The folks in charge of when labor day was scheduled obviously had children. (or just needed a way to figure out when to stop wearing white shoes - but I'm gonna stick with the school/alcohol connection).
In preparation for the beginning of my year....
- Binders and school supplies labeled and tucked in backpacks
- Pencil cases filled with newly sharpened #2s and various colored markers
- School shopping done
- Lunch boxes purchased
- Spanish levels decided
- One advisor letter received.
- One advisor letter outstanding
- 8th grade pre-school potluck deviled eggs made and devoured at said potluck
We're 24 hours and counting until the Wisniewski boys are both in MIDDLE SCHOOL! Holy Rapid Aging Batman!! Did we just confirm two Wisniewski boys in Middle School. Why yes we did. Dang Daddy.
The prodigal daughter arrives tomorrow to help ring in the new school year and to celebrate THE Birthdays. Yes. It's celebration city in our house. Not only do we ring in the New Year - we also get the opportunity to celebrate BIRTHDAYS. Simultaneous, synchronised, concurring boy birthdays.
For those who don't know - my two sons share a birthday. Two different countries of origin, two different sets of birth parents, two entirely different adoption agencies - - same damned birthday precisely two years apart. Wow you think! Right? How cool. What are the odds?? What fun!!! Well, yes. And, no.
The date is September 2nd. They aren't twins so you can't celebrate like they're a set. It would be real jippy if we did that - so we don't. We're not jippy parents. Usually. (I did fix George's backpack today with a whole lotta duct tape, but I just consider that frugal and prudent. Jippy would be having him carry his stuff to school in a target bag while refusing to buy him a new backpack. I think the duct tape looks cool.)
Our non-jippy-ness means we begin our year with a two day birthday marathon. Boy #1 gets birthday dinner on actual birthday with his choice of birthday dessert. Boy #2 gets his choice on the second day. All presents are opened on day ONE. You reasonably can only make them wait for food. Gift delay. Not a viable option. They would riot.
Henry goes first this year - - we're gearing up for Indian Food (I LOVE this kid) and Banana Cream Pie (I LOVE this kid)!. George the Younger follows on birthday-palooza day 2 where he has requested pasta with white sauce/prosciutto with a mint chocolate chip ice cream cake from Baskin and Robbins. I love him too. I especially like the "icing" that they use on Baskin and Robbins cakes. It's made of some melt-resistant material (plastic?) - which is a little creepy - but since I am also partial to downing the occasional Ho-Ho - I can not deny my fascination with synthetic sweetness. Day three will consist of main lining Tums.
All of this follows the first day of school on Wednesday. George the Younger = Excited in that too-cool-for-school-14-year-old-way-meaning-he-says-he-hates-school-but-already-has-his-clothes-picked-out kind of way. Henry = Excited/Anxious in that of-course-I'm-not-nervous-to-start-middle-school-and-that's-why-I-can't-look-you-in-the-eye-when-I-say-I'm-not-nervous kind of way.
So, here's to a big week. First days of school. Boys turning 12 and 14 and Shannon coming to visit for a week. All good. All damn good. Happy NEW YEAR!!!!
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