But, on December 21st after a grueling 2 months, 20 days and 8 hours (give or take an hour or so), Luke made good on his word and delivered to us the best Christmas present EVER. All the protection was removed, the last bits ands bobs were attended to, the cleaner came and....VOILA!
View from the top of the stairs looking down in to the kitchen new. Love the Ann Sacks tile - - it's so clean and bright. The pendant lights are the only thing we simply do not like, so these will be switched out at some point in the future. They're just a little too "some thing" - - too industrial, too heavy, too "some thing" |
The "tall wall" - - Right to left: Fridge, Freezer, Pantry, appliance garage, microwave cabinet and then along the top all kinds of cute high cabinets where we will house all manner of things that we keep in the kitchen but rarely use since I cannot reach them! |
From the top of the stairs, our GLORIOUS pantries! These bad boys are BIG and I was able to get everything in there that I had planned for. |
Our crazy big island and new emeco stools! See the lights? Some thing's not quite right, yes? |
View from the door leading to the dining room. Still loving the way that the lights reflect off the stainless steel back splash. |
Standing by the pantries looking towards the backdoor. |
And here she is - - all unwrapped, all cleaned and ready to cook in her own little "nook." |
The front of the island. Note white outlets on the bar block. Ugly and soon to be removed. We didn't pass our electrical inspection 2 days before this photo was taken. Some nonsense about needing multiple plugs on this island. So, we came up with an elegant solution put in place for the final inspection two days later. Luke is in the kitchen right now returning this to it's intended design. A nice little door on the far left that hides the first electrical socket, a second drawer will go back after removing the second electrical socket, and our radio will tuck nicely in to the last space on the right. I hate inspectors. |
This is our sink wall. LOVE the big drawer under the sink to put all my yukky stuff. |
Right after these photos were taken, the boxes were hauled up from the garage to put stuff in the kitchen-new. My brother was arriving in less than 48 hours and the rush was on. We needed to unpack all the stuff in boxes in the garage, dismantle the temporary kitchen that was downstairs in the laundry room, transform the guest room and dining room back to their original purposes from their temporary use as construction storage/work rooms! The whole house needed a cleaning from top to bottom -- that construction dust is a bitch. But just as the last rag was being thrown in to the laundry basket - - the door bell rang and the Christmas guests arrived. Perfect!!
There are still things to be done - a page long punch list - and the guys are back today to start working on it. But, DANG we are happy with the room (except for the pendants). George the Elder had the time of his life cooking here, it's already been christened by guests and I love seeing George the Younger eat his breakfast at the island bar. Nice to see him there instead of downstairs hunched over the coffee table. And yet, somethings will never change - - like the fact that even though the kitchen is brand new, I still managed to leave the extra pancakes in the oven from Christmas morning only to find them there 2 days later still in the oven -- cold, wrinkly and stale!
I'll eventually post some photos with the kitchen-new filled with our crap. Books on the shelves, art work hung and all our vintage clocks back where they belong. And, if I must say so myself - - we did a great job on this room. Thanks for Henrybuilt for their vision, Saturn Construction for all their hard work, and to George the Elder who, when I thought everything was going to hell in a hand basket, patted my on the hand and told me "everything is going to work out fine." He was right.
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