Given that the Rhode Island School of Design is a design school (hence why the word "Design" is given front stage in their name) - they pride themselves on graduating scads of innovative, inspired and ingenious characters.
The web-site that provides guidance for all things "graduation" at RISD states the following:
Do RISD students actually wear caps and gowns at Commencement?
Yes. And No. Students are issued inexpensive black caps and gowns several days in advance and are encouraged to use their creative talents to make them their own. Some choose to wear the gowns and mortarboards as is, others opt for their own clothing and still other go all out embellishing the standard-issue garb by creating unusual costumes. The result: RISD's ceremony is generally more festive, colorful and informal than most.
And, let me tell you - of all the commencement ceremonies I have had the opportunity to attend - well it surely was colorful. And it was festive. It was actually fun! It was joyous, it was irreverent (the senior class speaker referred to both Katie Perry and Lady Gaga in her speech), and it was perfect for RISD.
I didn't take as many photos as I should have. I was, understandably, focused on seeing my sweet girl do her thing and celebrate her achievement. There were so many distinctive, unusual and razzle-dazzled costumes and I missed the photo shots. Alas. In this photo you can see Shannon (pretty, right?) but in front of her, please note the building that is sitting on a fellow graduate's head. Imagine lots and lots of things like that. Antlers. Sparkles. Screen prints and duct tape. Imagination gone wild.
We saw lots of incredibly creative stuff. One undergrad actually dressed up like Macho Libre. When he got on stage to gather his diploma he physically tackled the President of the University. Classic. I was thankful to have have been there to see it all.
So, there's the explanation - she embellished her standard-issue cap and gown with yards and yards of pink netting and tulle to embrace the RISD tradition (or lack thereof). Plus, didn't she look sweet in all that pink??
Now on to new news. Here is photo of Shannon entering the Dunkin Donuts Convention Center in Providence to take us to the graduate thesis exhibition. All the graduate students of various disciplines have space to show off the culmination of their work at RISD. Some of it was fabulous. Some was confusing. All were creative.

Yesterday, Shannon got the news that her thesis book - and if I am describing this correctly - is the book that puts together in images and words, the basis of her thesis. They present these to their department heads as part of their thesis presentations. I think. In any event, Shannon's book was chosen to represent the Landscape Architecture Masters class of 2010 to be included in the RISD archives. Quite an honor. I'm so proud of my girl.
And finally, here she is with her department award that was given out to the person to whom the faculty wanted to pursue their thesis concept a bit more deeply. I think she's planning her trip now - and we'll get an update when she begins. It's gonna be a hoot.

1 comment:
How PROUD you must be, and GO SHANNON! That is very cool and yes, what an honor for her thesis!
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