So, while George The Elder and I pick ourselves (and our jaws) up off the ground, dust ourselves off, stop clutching our chests, and remember that this is just the beginning - I share with you an uplifting and clever video that I stole today from a fellow blogger (who doesn't know I exist, so she won't mind).
It's called "This too Shall Pass." Never a more apt song for a blustery day when reality hits you in the face like a hot kiss on the end of a wet fist.
So, while we wait for someone very rich, who likes us immensely, to perhaps bequeath us large sums of money before they actually pass on - enjoy the video. I know it made me smile.
Rumor has it that you can just click on the handy-dandy "Scott's Emulsion" advertisement right in this post to get to the link.... Try it! Just click on the fish...
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