George the Younger gets a problem every week from school called POWs (Problems of the Week). They are supposed to be challenging little brutes that should take the kids about a week to work on, solve and write the requisite several paragraph composition on how they cracked it, what strategies they used and if they had any major hurdles in their pursuit of an answer.
Typically, since I am the one who is home with him in the afternoon, I am the go-to resource for tips on unraveling the mysteries of the POW. I'm usually equal to the task. Unfortunately, George the Younger came home this week with the one thing that I am entirely inept at....logic puzzles. I would sooner cover my head with molasses and lie down on a desert floor than solve one of these bad johnnies. I'm a crossword puzzle kind of gal. Four letter word for a nook in the front of a church? Apse! But, presented with a logic puzzle - I am worthless. I believe that somewhere in this world sits my college Logic professor who, for the last 25 years, tells a pithy story about a student that she had in the late 70s who simple could not be taught when it came to her class. She will chuckle mirthfully at this memory that is burned in her logic-filled orb and sip demurely from her cup of pekoe. I hated her.
But, I gave the POW my best shot. I mean, who wants to look like a putz in front of their 13 year old? After several hours of trying to employ the strategies that I know when it comes to trying to decide who lives in what house, what kind of pet they had or what they liked to drink - well, stick a fork in me - I was done. We had an excel spreadsheet, we had little pictures of houses, we were hating Tyrone AND Bee, and my give a shit factor about anyone that would own a praying mantis or drink Red Bull had dwindled to zero, zip, nadda. Luckily, George the Elder came home to save the day right before my head exploded.
So, I present to you the POW. Knock yourself out. Solve the friggin thing. You know you can. Let me know your answers...
"So, here's the deal Justin. Five kids live in those 5 fancy track homes you see all in a row across the street," she said, pointing. "I'll give you some clues now: Bee lives in the red one; Lynn owns a dog; Wendy drinks water; Red Bull is drunk in the green house; Love Ballads are preferred in the yellow house; OJ is drunk in the middle house; Tyrone lives in the first house, which is next to the blue house; Doni listens to rock music, but the green tea drinker listens to instrumental music. The person who listens to Disco music is next door neighbors with the gecko owner. The hamster owner hates Love Ballads, but the person next door adores them. The Bluegrass fan owns a gnarly praying mantis. Finally, as you can see, the green house is to the right of the ivory one. So, tell me, Justin, after all that, who drinks milk and who owns a cat?"
Your task: Name the people, the color of their houses, their pets and their preferred drink and music.
Oh, and please, let me know how you do. In the meantime, I will be licking my self-esteem wounds and realizing that yes, Virginia, there is a time when your kids gets old enough that you can't always effectively help them with their homework. Sniff...
I started to do this, because I LOVE logic puzzles, but there are 6 kids' names: Bee, Lynn, OJ, Tyrone, WEndy and Doni - did you sneak your name in there to confuse us?
In English, OJ is short for "orange juice," which happens to be the drink of choice of the person who lives in the middle house.
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