Note Henry's blue teeth in the photo. He is NOT a baseball fan per se, but he definitely buys in to the whole stadium food aspect of viewing professional sports. Especially when stadium food comes in the form of a tri-color cloud of cotton candy the size of a VW bus (that coincidentally costs about the same amount as a VW bus).
Which leads me to my sardonic comment about how things have changed since we left the states. What's up with the cost of tickets to professional sports games? Is it that I didn't attend a representative number of games before I left so that I don't recall being gouged within an inch of my entire life savings to get the four of us to a baseball game - - or have tickets always been absurdly expensive - - or has the price of tickets actually risen significantly over the past years??? It makes me wonder how the average family affords the cost of taking their kids to see a baseball game. Kind of sad really.
1 comment:
The average family can't afford it. They go, sit in the upper bleachers. It's funny in DC to see that the lower stands with more expensive seats are often half-empty while the bleachers are full. That's because companies buy those seats to give out and half the time the recipient doesn't show.
Is there a minor league team in your area? Those are fun, less expensive and the kids can usually talk to the players.
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