OK, so it was more like burst in to tears, but it wasn't the graduation that did it - - it was the suit. And the tie. And the dress-up shoes. There I was rushing around trying to get my own self ready and in walked George the Younger looking like - - well, he was looking like a MAN. Caught me unawares, even though I was there when he bought the suit, and the tie, and the dress-up shoes. Something happened when he put all the pieces together and instead of my little boy, he morphed in to something that could have a real girl friend, a drivers license and job. Sniffle sniffle.
All the cool boys hung out together before the procession. Given all the suits it either had to be a funeral or graduation. The fedora and the purple shiny shirt (back row) help to rule out the funeral...
Aunt Deb came up for the event, but we failed miserably at our heretofore unblemished record of "getting the best seats" at large community events. Believe me, at all of Shannon's prior graduations, seating was PRIORITY and Deb was leading the charge. I think we were one of the first 10 people seated at the RISD graduation last year. We are professionals. We are pros. We were late. Dang. Blemished record. Graduation 2013 we are going to be on top of things.
Not only were we late, but our default seats were on the wrong side of the auditorium to get any photos of the procession. We were further on the wrong side of the auditorium to get any photos of the recession. I (of course) mentioned this to the head of school for future graduations. Down one side, up the other. Have to give all the parents a fightin' chance. And even tho there are no photos, there was the elementary school band playing pomp and circumstance (but again, I still was not clear on why all the pomp - - they managed to read The Giver and take Algebra 1 - - that's it...) and the classe arrived to take their seats on the stage - - all 31 members of the class of 2011. Huzzah!!!
This is George the Younger being lauded by his science teacher. Each of the kids got a couple moments of praise from one of the teachers at the school. It was a nice touch. I would add this caveat: Dear Teachers, You are supposed to be talking about the kids - - not yourself. Keep this in mind next year when you are blathering on about your homeland in Puerto Rico, your prowess as a music teacher, or your looong tenure at the school. We. Don't. Care. Focus. Talk. About. The. Student. Okay?
The next phase of the graduation ceremony (now heading into hour 2.5) was the "Showcase of Great Things I can do" presented by the students themselves. We had a tap dancer, a couple of singers (loosely defined), we had juggling (yes we did!), we had poetry recited, we had bands and we had a lot of slide shows. Slide shows were clearly the easiest way to meet this particular showcase o' talent requirement. George the Younger choice? Slide show. This is him introducing it. It was pretty good. He also used the music "Like a Slide show" to accompany slide show - apropos, oui? And if you are tired of hearing the words "slide show" think about watching a dozen of them.
Requisite diploma and official diploma handshake from head of school.
And then the celebrations: Kids with candy leis....
George the Younger with his own "Miss Susie" (Blind Side reference for the uninformed") - - we love her! She loves G and made a GIANT impact in his life these past 3 years. We owe her big time. Too bad her eyes are shut. Hazard of taking photos without your glasses on. The picture looked good to me when I took it. Course, I couldn't see it at all, but it looked super!
A "dance with your mom" moment at the evening party...
And although this isnt' really what was going on - - check out the look of horror and embarrassment that seems to be caused by George the Younger having to watch his mother dance. We're to the left of the photo and he is behind me. Technically, he was reacting to something his friend Griffin was saying - - but wowza - - it sure does look like I am scarring him for life.
And that - - was graduation 2011. George the Younger? Officially a high school freshman. Mom? Still wondering what the diploma says....