Prior to playing man-on-couch-with-leg-broken-in-two-places, Henry performed in his class Winter Play. The fifth grade did an incredibly creative play loosely based on the story of Persephone who is kidnapped by Hates to the Underworld. Henry played two parts - Helios and Underworld Gardner #2. They were incredibly creative and used both live action on the stage accompanied intermittently by videos that they had recorded earlier and then shown on a GIANT movie screen above the stage. This first clip is the introduction to all the gods. There's no sounds on this one since it was narrated by a live person on the stage. Still the creativity is amazing.
Introducing the Gods from James Harding on Vimeo.
The second is a video of the Henster in his role as Helios. After Persephone is kidnapped by Hades (and his shadies), the other Gods turn to Helios to see if he knows what happened to her. Given that he is the Sun, they had his head realistically sized - e.g. about the size of a volkswagon beetle where this was played...
Helios speaks to Demeter from James Harding on Vimeo.
The last clip is the "Underworld TV" Field of Torment "commercial" that they showed in the middle of the play. The whole thing was incredibly creative AND Henry was on two legs when he did it. All good. All good....
Torment TV from James Harding on Vimeo.